
Special Orders

Please Note
Special orders are taken on mostly for charities or organisations in circumstances of financial constraints or where the article involved is bespoke and cannot be sourced by any other means.
The club does not wish to compete with any woodworker who makes a living out of his/her craft.

The Lectern

Number 11
Operational Base Unit RAAF

Moruya's airport played a very important role during WWII.Infrastructure was built around the airport to support communications.
The Japanese came in close to the NSW East Coast
and several ships were sunk. Airmen from several countries flew out of Moruya to surveille the enemy.
In the years since,the history of this space has been almost forgotten,until recently.
Historian and spokesperson ,Gary Traynor for the group of volunteers from 'Moruya Matters' have been behind the push to commemorate the men who kept watch and died 'When War Came to Moruya'.
The Moruya Matters group have been responsible for the maintenance of WWII bunkers at Moruya Airport and now the RSL has become involved in the restoration.
Peter Mc Dowell and others re-purposed some cedar to make this lectern which will be used for the first time at the 2023 Anzac Day ceremony and will be used in future for ceremonial and commemorative occasions.

Knife Block by Malcolm Mc Donald

Custom made for a serious cook/chef out of timber sourced from the local area.


Broulee Public School

In 2020 Woodies members Nick Hopkins and David Keating were approached by Broulee Public School to assist in redesigning some of their tired landscaping in the playground.
Nick brushed off his Auto CAD skills and prepared an A1 landscape concept plan which the P&C,teachers and parents mulled over and suggested amendments.
After a few iterations of the plan, one priority area was selected. Nick prepared a materials list for distribution to the parents to see what donated items and labour would be forthcoming.
The response was heartening.
One element design was borrowed from another Woodies project,the Mogo playground,where hardwood stumps were concreted in place on stirrups to create a stepping stone 'journey' for the children.
The design also involved sourcing a truckload of granite rocks to act as a perimeter of a mulched pit centred on an existing concrete culvert.
David and Nick visited Bergalia Quarry and hand picked the rocks mid-January. One parent had an excavator big enough to manoeuvre the rocks into position at the school.Other parents including the Principal, donated time,energy and expertise on successive days.
The outcome is a fabulous public school playground. A true testament to generosity in the spirit of community service.

David Keating and Stephen Beashel at the quarry.

This windmill has a new home at Surfside.
It is made of Oregon,Western Red Cedar H3 pine and plywood. Best of all ,all of its parts rotate.



Anglicare Moruya contacted the club to ask if we could make a table and chairs for little people to sit at while mum and dad were speaking to staff. A book case,chalkboard and some toys were added.

Pawlonia donation

A donation of Pawlonia logs was made to the club with a request that a Magpie be carved for the donor.
Peter Mc Dowell stepped up to the challenge after realising that no one else was able to do the job.
What an amazing result!
The magpie's feet and tail are part of the log.

Masonic Lodge


Moruya Masonic Lodge came to the club for a second time requesting assistance with the restoration of ceremonial objects.
The result is stunning!

Mobility Scooter


Peter McDowell was asked if he could make a mobility scooter as a gift for the manager of a wheelchair factory.
The scooter has a swiveling seat so its driver can get in and out. It is made from maple,red cedar,black-wood,silver ash and the piece de resistance, bamboo tooth picks! Amazing craftsmanship. If there were such things as fairies they could ride!

Durras Street Library

The street library movement is becoming very popular and little cupboards like this are popping up in communities in the most surprising places. They are usually not very big and are filled with books that people have finished reading and have decided to donate to anyone in the community who likes to read.The borrowed book and borrower is not recorded and many people take a book and leave a book.
The past time of reading a book is not dead!

Mark Barraclough was the project manager of this book cupboard. The Durras community finished it off with its  colourful artwork!

The Table

Made for Sharyn's other son (see below) to comfortably seat 8 people.
Made from 3 slabs of 2200x1100x30mm River She Oak.
7 biscuits were used for each join.
Live bark edge with Estapol to give it strength and the top is finished with 2 coats of Ozmo Polyx - Oil.
The legs were made by Sharyn's son from enclosed rectangular steel ,100wide x 10mm thick.
The legs were attached with 10 screws each to anchor the ends and avoid timber movement.




The Desk

Sharyn's son asked if she would make him a desk. With help and advice from experienced members this was the result.
A magnificent desk 2150 x 640 ,made of 2 slabs of River She Oak with a feature of a natural edge. It has been finished with burnishing oil and the legs,100mm x 80mm steel were made by Sharyn's other son.
It is a beautiful piece of furniture !

Adirondack Chairs

These chairs were ordered after the customer saw a pair exhibited at Tilba.
Ralph Vine was in charge of this project and Don Jeeves turned the legs.

Eurobodalla Show Society
A Cow

The Eurobodalla Show Society is always looking to provide entertainment at the Annual Show. For 2018 the committee thought that children should be able to get a feel for the country life by 'milking' a 'cow'.
Team leader Malcolm and some helpers made a 'cow'.


Susanne painted the cow and when finished, the cow , which has a swinging leg, will have its leg tied back (cows kick) and an udder made with a rubber glove.To finish it off it will have a rope tail to swish at the milker.
A three legged stool was also made so that patrons of the show could 'milk' the cow and have their picture taken.

'Bessie' ready to be handed over to the Show committee for the finishing touches.
You can see how 'Bessie' turned out on the 'Out and About' page.

The Original Gold Rush Colony

The Gold Rush Colony requested that we make an instrument of torture and punishment to show its patrons what our forebears endured when they fell foul of the law!
The stocks made their debut at the Mogo Village Christmas Gala
Despite the fact that they weren't locked into place the victim was not going anywhere without assistance!

Mogo Preschool

Mogo Preschool requested a 'sign in' table for their littlies. David Keating was in charge of designing and executing this beautiful Ironbark and Silky Oak table for the entrance.


Belay Pins

A Boat Restoration required some replacement belay pins.
John Tanner mobilized his turning students and had them use their new skills to turn replacement pins out of hardwood which should last much longer than the originals.
Note the pin in the middle. It was made of pine and was one of the few left in a usable condition.



Masonic Lodge Doors

The Moruya Masonic Lodge needed a pair of doors. They had to be special doors to fit in with the decor of the Lodge.
This picture shows JJ discussing the magnificent hand made detail done by Peter Mc Dowell.
You couldn't buy a door like this from any shop!


The Guild was asked if we could assist with some awards for staff at the department of Human Services at Centrelink in Batemans Bay.
The artwork was provided and Bob Kolderie fashioned a burl as a base to complement the metalwork.


Updated: 9/04/2023